Detailed release information is available on Github.
3.7.0 (2023-02-02)
:boom: Breaking Change
#2716 feat(site-header): use popover for language list - FRONT-3761
:rocket: New Feature
#2742 feat(carousel): add different sizes - FRONT-3842
#2715 feat(site-header): add message box - FRONT-3760
#2735 feat(social media share): add popover - FRONT-3830
#2712 feat(select): Grouping capabilities for simple and multiple select - FRONT-3542
#2728 feat(banner): add unified banner - FONT-3829
#2716 feat(site-header): use popover for language list - FRONT-3761
#2710 feat(icon): add basket icon - FRONT-3783
#2705 feat(icon): add laco icon - FRONT-3818
:bug: Bug Fix
- #2745 fix(list): fix nested bullet position - FRONT-3847
- #2744 fix(carousel): fix bullet display on ipad (safari) - FRONT-3825
- #2734 fix(site-header): fix mobile display of language popover - FRONT-3839
- #2731 fix(link): fix underline of standalone link - FRONT-3834
- #2719 fix(presets): Adding reset and rtl css to EC and EU presets - FRONT-3822
- #2714 feat(spinner): fix center alignment - FRONT-3821
- #2704 fix(select): fix multi-select with long labels - FRONT-3817
:nail_care: Enhancement
- #2746 feat(banner): update text background - FRONT-3843
- #2747 feat(banner): Rename variants - FRONT-3845
- #2739 feat(popover): improve usability - FRONT-3841
- #2737 feat(fact and figures): update component display - FRONT-3840
- #2732 feat(shadow): harmonize shadows - FRONT-3828
- #2736 feat(message): make close button optional - FRONT-3837
- #2730 feat(icon-flag): update French flag - FRONT-3833
- #2720 feat(icons): Updating 4 icons in EC - FRONT-3823
- #2727 chore(file): Splitting in three templates, using similar approach in wc - FRONT-3815
- #2725 feat(cursor): use hand cursor for different components - FRONT-3811
- #2709 feat(menu): improve keyboard navigation - FRONT-3798
- #2711 feat(icon): update file and edit icons - FRONT-3820
- #2653 feat(table): add parameter for enhanced mobile - FRONT-3754
:house: Internal
- #2748 chore(carousel): Changing default story
- #2743 chore(deps): updates 30-01-23
- #2738 chore(deps): updates 25-01-23, audit fix
- #2733 chore(deps): Updates 16-01-23
- #2726 chore(deps): Updates - 03-01-23
- #2707 chore(changelog): Adding markup changes category
- #2713 chore(deps): Small updates and audit fix
- #2706 chore(deps): Updates 06-12-22
3.6.0 ((2022-11-30))
:rocket: New Feature
- #2686 feat(range): add Range component - FRONT-3756
- #2670 feat(media-container): use fluid ratio - FRONT-3776
- #2683 feat(icons): Adding email icons - FRONT-3771
:bug: Bug Fix
- #2691 fix(featured-item): fix demo on website - FRONT-3806
- #2680 fix(multiselect): Fixing labels when searching - FRONT-3793
- #2677 fix(select multi): fix counter when resetting form
- #2674 fix(card): fix image display on firefox - FRONT-3788
- #2673 fix(content-block): fix stories control issue - FRONT-3786
:nail_care: Enhancement
- #2701 feat(checkbox/radio): update focus display - FRONT-3800
- #2700 feat(file): Adding detailed meta in default variant - FRONT-3813
- #2699 feat(rating-field): add read only
- #2698 feat(category-filter): update display - FRONT-3804
- #2695 feat(inpage navigation): update design - FRONT-3805
- #2687 fix(rating field): use dynamic id and name - FRONT-3796
- #2696 feat(file): Removing download attribute - FRONT-3808
- #2685 feat(menu): update display - FRONT-3791
- #2679 feat(icons): Adding blog-color and share icon in the social media sprite - FRONT-3782
- #2675 fix(icons): Replacing greece square and slovakia square - FRONT-3779
- #2669 fix(site header): fix z-index for mobile - FRONT-3768
:house: Internal
- #2694 chore(deps): Updates 22-11-22
- #2682 fix(storybook): Resetting static dirs when building - FRONT-3789 (@planctus)
- #2684 chore(deps): bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1
- #2681 chore(deps): updates 07-11-22
- #2676 chore(deps): Updates 27-10-22
3.5.0 ((2022-10-17))
:rocket: New Feature
- #2615 feat(popover): add component - FRONT-3698
:bug: Bug Fix
- #2650 fix(ordered-list): fix list alignment - FRONT-3744
- #2658 fix(social-media-share): Removing padding - FRONT-3765
- #2644 fix(social-media): Fixing and aligning variant selectors
- #2641 fix(carousel): allow click on cta
- #2639 fix(gallery): Fix AV Portal video overlay display
:nail_care: Enhancement
- #2666 feat(content-block): update title font - FRONT-3777
- #2660 fix(print): fix display of default html tag for print
- #2661 feat(focus): New styles for checkboxes and radios
- #2647 feat(multiselect): Adding toolbar and selection counter
- #2645 feat(content-block): Merging extra_classes for lists
- #2627 fix(print): Fix components print version - FRONT-3731
:memo: Documentation
- #2649 docs(website): update webtools documentation - FRONT-3742
3.4.0 (2022-07-13)
:rocket: New Feature
- #2552 feat(rating-field): Add component - FRONT-3543
- #2545 feat(featured-media): Add position parameter - FRONT-3638
:bug: Bug Fix
- #2591 fix(file-upload): Fix focus styles for the browse button - FRONT-3689
- #2597 fix(table): Fix focus for table sort arrows - FRONT-3693
- #2598 fix(icon): Removing default, unneded but harmful transformation - FRONT-3702
- #2588 fix(news-ticker): Fix focus overflow - FRONT-3692
- #2573 fix(default-css): Fix webtools highchart dropdown conflict - FRONT-3667
- #2554 fix(forms): Add invalid icons for EC and fix them for EU - FRONT-3651
- #2556 fix(featured-item): Add correct h2 styles to heading - FRONT-3649
:nail_care: Enhancement
- #2601 feat(menu): Revamp navigation and styles - FRONT-3697
- #2602 feat(focus): Revamp focus-visible styles - FRONT-3703
- #2587 feat(focus): Use focus-visible for all components - FRONT-3684
- #2596 fix(gallery): Fix focus style on gallery items - FRONT-3691
- #2593 feat(multiselect): Keyboard navigation with arrows - FRONT-3690
- #2576 fix(tabs): Improve accessibility - FRONT-3661
- #2586 feat(social-media-share): Revamp - FRONT-3680
- #2581 feat(language-list): Revamp - FRONT-3678
- #2582 feat(list-illustrations): Reviewing spacing - FRONT-3681
- #2585 feat(social-media-follow): Revamp - FRONT-3679
- #2584 feat(icons): add reddit icons
- #2570 fix(new-ticker): Improve accessibility - FRONT-3662
- #2575 feat(icons): add Mastodon icons - FRONT-3670
- #2574 feat(featured-item): Remove heading - FRONT-3649
- #2572 feat(footer): add real links - FRONT-3665
- #2568 fix(inpage-navigation): Improve accessibility - FRONT-3660
- #2566 fix(carousel): Improve accessibility - FRONT-3657
- #2547 feat(site-header): Update EU site name styles - FRONT-3636
- #2565 feat(site_header): Add aria label to language switcher - FRONT-3658
- #2534 fix(news-ticker): Fix accessibility issues - FRONT-3634
:memo: Documentation
- #2550 refactor(website): Deprecate families templates - FRONT-3640
:house: Internal
- #2603 chore(deps): Updates - 01-08-22
- #2599 chore(deps): Updates 18-07-22
- #2571 chore(links): Randomize links used in the stories - FRONT-3666
3.3.0 (2022-05-16)
:rocket: New Feature
- #2397 feat(content-item): revamp content item and description list - FRONT-3554
- #2347 feat(breadcrumb): add site-wide components - FRONT-3552
- #2404 feat(banner): add coypright - FRONT-3616
- #2337 feat(page-header): add site-wide components - FRONT-3546 (
- #2382 feat(rtl): batch 5 - FRONT-3569
- #2379 feat(tabs): Adapt JS for RTL support - FRONT-3594
- #2396 feat(datepicker): Adapt JS for RTL support - FRONT-3595
- #2385 feat(rtl): batch 4 - FRONT-3568
- #2378 feat(carousel): Adapt JS for RTL support - FRONT-3593
- #2318 feat(site-header): add component - FRONT-3530
- #2367 feat(right-to-left): batch 3 - FRONT-3567
- #2327 feat(navigation-list): add component - FRONT-3520
- #2359 feat(rtl): right-to-left batch 2 - FRONT-3566
- #2358 feat(rtl): right-to-left batch 1 - FRONT-3565
- #2331 feat(css): add rtl css - FRONT-3515
- #2328 feat(file-upload): Add dynamic upload file list example - FRONT-3525
- #2333 feat(site-footer): add component - FRONT-3541
:bug: Bug Fix
- #2408 fix(page-header): Fix metas RTL display - FRONT-3619
- #2440 fix(file): Fix website demo previews - FRONT-3620 (@papegaill
- #2398 fix(skip-link): Fix story JS blur error - FRONT-3613
- #2392 chore(destroy): Review destroy method for JS components - FRONT-3610
- #2375 fix(accessibility): Pagination, carousel, gallery and news-ticker - FRONT-3591
- #2391 fix(site-header): fix EU site header shadow - FRONT-3602
- #2389 chore(autoinit): Review destroy method - FRONT-3596
- #2383 chore(js): Making destroy method in the components accessible to the autoInit, fixing cssresources behaviour
- #2374 fix(site-header): hide double logo - FRONT-3590
- #2371 fix(website): Fixing display of condensed eu logs for other languages
- #2362 fix(theme): Add missing black-100 color for EU theme - FRONT-3582
- #2361 fix(site-header): fix mobile site-name overlapping menu - FRONT-3579
- #2355 fix(css): remove rtl css from website - FRONT-3575
- #2354 fix(menu): Add esc to close sub-menu - FRONT-3564
- #2350 fix(form): fix checkbox and radio display on multiple lines - FRONT-3562
- #2351 fix(featured-item): fix font weight and color - FRONT-3561
- #2341 fix(content-item): remove forced background - FRONT-3555
:nail_care: Enhancement
- #2469 feat(cards): refactor cards with content block - FRONT-3606
- #2468 feat(navigation-list): Revamp using content-block component - FRONT-3607
- #2452 refactor(deprecate): Deprecate old families components - FRONT-3553
- #2453 feat(card): deprecate tile variant - FRONT-3611
- #2372 feat(select): Correctly reset the multiselect on form reset - FRONT-3583
- #2394 feat(rtl): batch 6 - FRONT-3570
- #2399 feat(news-ticker): Adapt JS for RTL support - FRONT-3614
- #2393 feat(logos): add logos for UK, LB, RU, ZH, JP - FRONT-3603
- #2363 feat(datepicker): Adding translatibility - FRONT-3573
- #2348 feat(card): improve meta structure - FRONT-3545
- #2349 feat(tabs): add bottom spacing - FRONT-3559
:memo: Documentation
- #2441 chore: usage pages update
- #2364 chore(docs): Adding info about moment.js in getting started - FRONT-3576
:house: Internal
- #2480 chore(deps): Using fixed version of ECL packages as dependencies
- #2479 chore(deps): Updates 16-05-22
- #2478 chore(deps): Updates 13-05-22
- #2445 chore(deps): Updates 10-05-22
- #2444 chore(deps): Updates 05-05-22
- #2407 chore(deps): Updates 02-05-22 - audit check fix
- #2401 chore(deps): Updates 26-04-22
- #2395 chore(deps): Updates 19-04-22
- #2390 chore(deps): Updates 13-04-22
- #2386 chore(logo): Fixing packages, distributing from dist folder
- #2376 chore(deps): Updates 31-03-22
- #2369 fix(storybook): Adding static folder for rtl css - FRONT-3575
- #2370 chore(deps): Fixing in resolutions problematic deps
- #2368 chore(deps): Updates 24-03-22
- #2365 chore(deps): updates 21-03-22
- #2356 chore(deps): updates 14-03-22
- #2352 chore(deps): updates 07-03-22
- #2346 chore(deps): dependabot alerts
- #2343 chore(deps): Updates 18-02-22
3.2.0 (2022-01-13)
:rocket: New Feature
- #2286 feat(tabs): Add component - FRONT-3292 (@papegaill)
- #2285 feat(icons): Add external-events icon - FRONT-3511 (@papegaill)
- #2250 feat(content-item): add component - FRONT-2499 (@emeryro)
- #2260 feat(carousel): Add component - FRONT-2513 (@papegaill)
- #2255 feat(spinner): Adding component - FRONT-3223 (@planctus)
:bug: Bug Fix
- #2307 fix(file): fix file stories - FRONT-3303 (@emeryro)
- #2303 fix(utilities): fix paragraph utilities - FRONT-3523 (@emeryro)
- #2287 fix(unordered-list): fix spacing - FRONT-3516 (@emeryro)
- #2292 fix(site-header): Correctly rename the cta class in the standardised variant - FRONT-3519 (@papegaill)
- #2288 fix(news-ticker): Fix EU showcase iframe resize issue - FRONT-3425 (@papegaill)
- #2281 fix(site-header): Mobile display of site-header harmonised without site_name - FRONT-3497 (@papegaill)
- #2276 fix(gallery): fix visited link color - FRONT-3420 (@emeryro)
- #2271 fix(news-ticker): Fix showcase iframe resize issue - FRONT-3425 (@papegaill)
:nail_care: Enhancement
- #2300 feat(logo): add translated logos (EC/EU) (@emeryro)
- #2295 feat(icon): add 'trash' icon - FRONT-3521 (@emeryro)
- #2296 feat(stories): Third batch - FRONT-3514 (@planctus)
- #2289 fix(file): Review component spacings - FRONT-3424 (@papegaill)
- #2293 feat(stories): refactoring, batch 2 - FRONT-3513 (@planctus)
- #2290 feat(stories): Refactoring form element stories - front-3512 (@planctus)
- #2284 fix(site header harmonised): Using ecl-buttons as in the other families - FRONT-3503 (@planctus)
- #2279 feat(news-ticker): Add mobile version - FRONT-3502 (@papegaill)
- #2277 feat(EC page-header): apply new style - FRONT-3423 (@emeryro)
- #2278 fix(button): cleanup markup and css - FRONT-3464 (@emeryro)
- #2275 fix(banners): add wrapper around link - FRONT-3403 (@emeryro)
- #2253 feat(menu): allows more menu items - FRONT-3354 (@emeryro)
- #2263 feat(tag): update EU style - FRONT-3422 (@emeryro)
:house: Internal
- #2302 chore(deps): Moving to fermium, libraries updated (@planctus)
- #2298 chore(deps): updates 06-01-22 (@planctus)
- #2297 chore(deps): Updates 03-01-22 (@planctus)
- #2291 chore(deps): Updates - 20-12-21 (@planctus)
- #2282 chore(deps): Updates 09-12-21 (@planctus)
- #2280 chore(storybook): Update to 6.4.8 (@planctus)
3.1.0 (2021-10-21)
:rocket: New Feature
- #2232 feat(card, file): add highlight label - FRONT-3276 (@emeryro)
- #2214 feat(display-list): add display list component - FRONT-2342 (@emeryro)
- #2199 feat(news-ticker): Add component - FRONT-2515 (@papegaill)
- #2206 feat(featured-item): Add component - FRONT-2339 (@papegaill)
- #2196 feat(site-header): add optional CTA - FRONT-2514 (@emeryro)
:bug: Bug Fix
- #2227 fix(banners): Correct centred text alignment for page & hero banners - FRONT-3240 (@papegaill)
- #2223 fix(file-upload): replacing forEach on a FileList - FRONT-3230 (@planctus)
- #2221 fix(site-header): Fixing error when hiding menu - FRONT-3228 (@planctus)
- #2217 fix(checkbox & radio): Fix white space for inline elements in label - FRONT-3190 (@papegaill)
- #2209 fix(datepicker): Fix display issues on mobile - FRONT-3174 (@papegaill)
- #2210 fix(default-css): fix conflict with webtools - FRONT-3171 (@emeryro)
:nail_care: Enhancement
- #2229 feat(date-picker): Add auto-formatting to datepicker input - FRONT-3253 (@papegaill)
- #2231 feat(description-list): add block for definition - FRONT-3204 (@emeryro)
- #2226 fix(site-headers): Using only one site_name in site-headers - FRONT-3227 (@planctus)
- #2230 fix(menu): remove swipe events - FRONT-3075 (@emeryro)
- #2222 feat(footers): Adding EC logo to all the footers - FRONT-3224 (@planctus)
- #2216 fix(banners): Text styling for page & hero banners - FRONT-3150 (@papegaill)
- #2211 fix(date-picker): Styling and JS adaptations - FRONT-3183 (@papegaill)
- #2197 feat(quote-image): added image in blockquote - FRONT-2463 (@tibi2303)
:memo: Documentation
:house: Internal
- #2225 chore(deps): Updates 08-10-21 (@planctus)
- #2218 chore(deps): Updates - 28/09/21 (@planctus)
- #2207 chore(deps): Updates, using ecl min and max functions for sass (@planctus)
3.0.3 (2021-09-10)
:bug: Bug Fix
- #2200 fix(media-container): Fixing video flickering issue - FRONT-3081
- #2189 fix(datepicker): fix css conflict - FRONT-3022
- #2193 fix(default-styles): fix h6 and list styles - FRONT-2976
- #2194 fix(website): Make example link work in production - FRONT-2811
:nail_care: Enhancement
- #2203 feat(page-header): Adding spacing under the EC page header core - FRONT-3146
- #2190 feat(social-icons): update negative social icons - FRONT-2975
- #2177 feat(menu): improve menu display - FRONT-2807
:house: Internal
- #2202 fix(specs): Fix secondary variant value for hero-banner
- #2198 feat(storybook): Refactoring stories (select options and defaultValue) - FRONT-2722 (@planctus)
- #2201 chore(deps): updates 9-9-2021
- #2191 chore(deps): Updates
3.0.2 (2021-08-24)
:nail_care: Enhancement
- #2187 fix(banners): remove border radius when full width - FRONT-2966
- #2186 fix(typography): update headings and paragraphs - FRONT-2965
- #2185 fix(page-header): fix padding and optional item - FRONT-2964
- #2184 fix(page-header): center image - FRONT-2963
3.0.1 (2021-08-20)
:bug: Bug Fix
- #2175 fix(playground): Fixing optional css loading in EC and EU - FRONT-2792
- #2176 fix(storybook): Fixing switcher link urls to work also in production - FRONT-2791
:nail_care: Enhancement
- #2180 feat(page-header): add overlay for background image - FRONT-2886
:house: Internal
- #2178 chore(deps): Updates 17-08-21
3.0.0 (2021-08-12)
Full new branding look & feel for EU site. ECL components now have a specific EU look & feel version:
- Button
- Text field
- Search
- Text Area
- Links
- Menu
- Site Header - Core and Standardised
- Page Header - Core and Standardised
- Checkbox
- Select
- Breadcrumb
- Radio button
- Blockquotes
- Timeline
- Messages
- Accordion
- Label
- Pagination
- Expandable
- Facts and figures
- Media container
- Tags
- File download
- Cards
- Inpage navigation
- Date block
- Date picker
- Page / Hero Banners
- Tables
- Language list
- Lists
- Media Gallery
- Set of icons
Improvements in EC core, standardised and harmonised footers markup and controls
Accessibility improvements for the footer
Taxonomy tags for Cards and FIles components
Icons set update including Social Media Icons & Flags
Full width for media container
Fallback default styling for "standard" HTML containers: fonts, p ul li ...
Grey 3% added to the EC color palette for backgrounds in paragraphs to get zebra effect
eTrans composition
Links variant displayed like Primary and Secondary buttons
Fixing and small improvements:
- Color of link in EC footers
- Conflict between accordion print version and Webtools
- Border and background color changed for several components
- "non-EU languages" label in Language list replaced by "Other languages"
- Timeline - Deprecation warning in css
- Pagination in EC branding breaked with few elements
Improvements in the ECL v3 documentation:
- EU content iconography
- EU content colors
- EU content typography
- EU notification colours
- "Getting started" pages update
- EC/EU update of components thumbnails
Improvements in ECL v3 playground replacing Storybook knobs by controls
At the same time, a new release of ECL v2 is live (v2.39) including some fixes. From now on, ECL v2 will only support corrective maintenance. All new enhancements will only be applied to ECL v3:
- Conflict between search form and gallery overlay
- Gallery - Video do not stop when closing
- Dispatching change event in the select multiple not detected